Ecocritical poetry
and that of Romantic poetry have very similar characteristics, and also
technical differences.
Ecocritical, as a
world is derived from two words, and they are “ecology” and
“critic”. Ecology is the branch of science that deals with the relations of organisms to one another, and to their physical surroundings. While critics mean one who accesses any work in other to find fault, and make possible corrections.
“critic”. Ecology is the branch of science that deals with the relations of organisms to one another, and to their physical surroundings. While critics mean one who accesses any work in other to find fault, and make possible corrections.
Ecocriticism talks about the
environment from an interdisciplinary point of view, where literature scholars
analyse texts that illustrate environmental concerns and examine the various
ways literature treats the subject of nature.
Ecocritics seeks for corrections of
the environments current situation. It is seen as a means of describing poetic
projects that that embrace the ecological imperative for personal sensitivity
and social change.
It investigates the relationship
between human activities and the natural world in terms of the influence of
each, upon the other.
poetry is the study of nature, and how man supposes to be part of nature.
The romantics believe that we study nature so as to understand it and be part
of it, but the scientist belief that we study nature to understand it and
conquer it.
A major difference that exist between romantics
and ecocritics, is that the romantics write in a clear simplified and common
language form, unlike the formal writing. They try to bring poetry down for the
common man to be able to read. They try to create emotions so as when being
read, the reader will feel as if there is a voice speaking to him.
We can understand romanticism more by
looking at the poem by Alexander Pope “An Essay on Criticism” and also
wordsworths “Anectedote For Fathers”. Reading both poems, we will see
wordsworth trying to use a simplified language form for a common reader to be
able to read and understand.
Conclusively, Romantic poetry deals
not only on nature like the ecocritical, they also deal on the language form.
Romanticism is just for the praise of nature. While Ecocritical deals only on
nature, how it has been hurt by man, and thereby rendering solutions to it. How
the eco-system has been hurt. It doesn’t praise, but romanticism is just praise
of nature.
the differences between Eco-criticism and Romantic poetrythe difference between Eco-criticism and Romantic poetry